How to Measure Desk Occupancy: Monitoring + Analytics
Do you know how many desks in your office are actually being used? Learn how to calculate, monitor, and optimize desk occupancy with this...
Do you know how many desks in your office are actually being used? Learn how to calculate, monitor, and optimize desk occupancy with this...
What are computer aided facilities management software and how a CAFM can help your business thrive and get ahead of competitors.
The ins and outs of a hybrid work model and how a hybrid work model can be beneficial for your employees’ productivity and well-being.
Which “The Office” character you and your coworkers are most like based on the different personality types.
What are the functions of an integrated facilities management role & things to look for in a facilities management position for your hybrid workplace.
What should you include in your contact page for your coworking space and tips on how to optimize it.
Events you can host to bring in more members to your coworking space that are easy and acquire many customers.
Easy ways to bring in new members to your coworking space with ads to bring in more clients through benefits, discounts, and promos.
Easiest ways to retain clients in your coworking space and the best practices to do so.